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Living The Abundant Life John 10:10 says, "Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly." Though many of us dream of having this abundant life few of us are really living it. The problems, setbacks, and distractions that prevade our lives seem to squelch out our hope of walking in victory and of laying claim to the blessings that have been set aside for us in Christ Jesus. But God does not want us to live defeated lives, He wants us to thrive, not just survive. Ask yourself this question: Is my cup running dry or is it overflowng? King David wrote in Psalm 23:5, "You prepare a table before me . . . my cup runneth over." Despite the hardships he was facing, David was still able to see the Lord's hand of blessing operating in His life and his soul was able to rejoice as he trusted God to bring the deliverance he needed. Have you ever
held a glass under a running faucet? It doesn't take long before
your cup is overflowing with water and splashing the surrounding
areas. The same principle can be applied to your walk with the Lord.
The more time you Mrs. Charles Cowman wrote, "Those who spend much time withth e Master come forth with a dew of blessing upon their lives . . . Wait before the Master until your whole heart is drenched by Him. The only way to truly live a life of victory is to continually spend time with the Lord in prayer and Bible study. You will never be able to pour out the love of God until you are first filled up with it. If you look at a water pitcher, the pouring spout is always smaller than the top opening. Two principles relating to this analogy have a direct parallel in ministry. You can't pour out more than you put in and you can't give out what you don't have. If you want to be an effective minister of the love of God you need to take your pitcher and allow the Lord to fill you up. He will give you living water that will satisfy your thirst and then compel you to share it with others. Get in His presence today and allow Him to flood your soul with His love! Then you too will be able to say with David "My cup overflows . . . surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life (Psalm 23:5-6)." [an error occurred while processing this directive] |